Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Reporting is a feature rich reporting platform that allows you to get in depth call reporting from your CloudPBX, manage your Cloud Kinnekt Mobile SIM usage and even provide a very extensive view of your Microsoft Teams environment.
Business Intelligence Reporting is a feature rich reporting platform that allows you to get in depth call reporting from your CloudPBX, manage your Cloud Kinnekt Mobile SIM usage and even provide a very extensive view of your Microsoft Teams environment.
Call Reporting Dashboard
Easily see all your Month to Month, Daily and Top User reports
Incoming Calls Dashboard
Access almost real-time statistics show on your PC or Wallboard!
CloudPBX Reporting
CloudPBX Reporting
2. Call Reporting Video - Cloud Kinnekt Conference.mp4
Mobile SIM Reporting
Mobile SIM Reporting
3. Mobile Reporting Overview Cloud Kinnekt Conf.mp4
Microsoft Teams Reporting
Microsoft Teams Reporting
4. MS Teams Overview - Cloud Kinnekt Conference.mp4