Microsoft Teams Integration

Cloud Kinnekt Microsoft Teams Connector you can integrate your existing Microsoft Teams environment directly into our CloudPBX Solution

This allows you to use your Microsoft Teams desktop and mobile applications with your Cloud Kinnekt CloudPBX extension, giving you access to all the CloudPBX call routing features and Microsoft Teams Unified Communications environment together.

The Kinnekt UC Connector automates the build and management of a Direct Routing connection into Microsoft Teams.

100% Microsoft Azure based
All components of the Kinnekt UC Connector run in Azure Cloud in 4 geographic regions

Automated Setup
From Direct Routing through User provisioning and custom Teams Application creation, Kinnekt UC has automated the process

Data Security
All passwords stored in the Kinnekt UC Connector are hashed for protection

Teams Calls

Use your Microsoft Teams CALLS application to control your Kinnekt UC CloudPBX Extension.

There are no third party applications inserted into Teams.

This allows us to provide you with TRUE Teams Calling Integration!