Porting & Charges
Terms & Conditions
By submitting a port request you confirm you are authorised to act on behalf of the legal lessee of the numbers listed in this request. You authorise Cloud Kinnekt (Trading as Kinnekt UC) to act on your behalf and to sign any associated paperwork for the purposes of porting the numbers listed above. You understand that Cloud Kinnekt takes no responsibility if any of your other telecommunications services are disconnected as a result of your number port request and accept the additional terms laid out below.
Australian number porting fees will apply.
You are responsible for settling your financial account with your current Service Provider if you owe them outstanding contractual obligations and costs. Cloud Kinnekt is not liable for any such costs.
Cloud Kinnekt provides no guarantee that it can port your telephone number from your current Service Provider. Your current Service Provider may reject this port request if the information you provide is incorrect or does not match the data held by them. A porting request may also be rejected for other reasons as stated in the Local Number Portability Code (C540), which is available on the Australian Communications and Media Authority website.
Cloud Kinnekt are not responsible for any porting fees that may be charged by your current Service Provider.
Cloud Kinnekt will pass on all Annual Numbering Charges (ANC) they incur from the Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) in relation to telephones number that are ported to your account.
Cloud Kinnekt provides no guarantee that the telephone number will be ported within any specified timeframe.
You must not deactivate your existing service when porting. Telephone numbers can only be ported while active.
Only your telephone number will be ported to Cloud Kinnekt. This may result in the loss of any value added services (such as internet services) that are associated with the service provided by your existing Service Provider
In the event of a port withdrawal or reversal, Cloud Kinnekt is not responsible for any period of outage of the service or features of your current service or any value added service provided by your current Supplier.
If you change your mind and cancel the porting on the same day as the scheduled cutover date, then emergency return/reversal fees will apply.
Porting Charges
Submission Charges
When you submit a port request form the following charges are applicable per submission, regardless of whether the port is completed or rejected.
Cat-A (simple) one number - $30.00 per submission
Cat-A (simple) one number – third party - $50.00 per submission
Mobile Number (Virtual Number) - $80.00 per submission
Completed Charges
The following charges and payable on the completion of the port
Cat-C (complex) Port 1-5 numbers - $170.00 per port
Cat-C (complex) Port 6-100 numbers - $300.00 per port
Cat-C (complex) Port 101-200 numbers - $420.00 per port
Cat-C (complex) Port more than 200 numbers but less than 1000 - $700.00 per port
Special Service Number Port a 1300 or 1800 Number - $100.00 per port
Rejection Charges
When a port is rejected, a charge is applicable as follows.
Cat-A (simple) one number - $0.00
Cat-C (complex) Reject charge - $35.00 per number
Cat-C (complex) PNV Initial Reject - $65.00 per rejection
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 1-5 numbers - $90.00 per rejection
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 6-100 numbers - $150.00 per rejection
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject 101-200 numbers - $290.00 per rejection
Cat-C (complex) PNV Reject more than 200 numbers but less than 1000 - $450 per rejection
Special Service Number Reject 1300 or 1800 number - $70.00 per number
Port Reversals and Emergency Returns
Port Reversals and Emergency Returns can only be requested within a period of four hours from the time the port is completed, and please note that Port Returns and Emergency Returns may not always be available.
Cat-A (simple) port reversal - $300.00 per number
Cat-C (complex) 1-5 numbers emergency return - $550.00 per return
Cat-C (complex) 6-20 numbers emergency return - $1,300.00 per return
Cat-C (complex) 21-100 numbers emergency return - $2,800.00 per return
Cat-C (complex) 101-200 numbers emergency return - $4,200.00 per return
Third Party (In addition to the above charges)
Third Party Cat-C (complex) port - $35 per number, plus normal porting fee
Third Party Cat-C (complex) port emergency return - $1370.00 per number, plus normal port reversal fee